Day 110
My freelance job is still easy. Work should be always be easy. Thinking hard all day is tres overrated.
thinking is STOOPID
Day 109
I'm the new girl. Again. You'd think after being the new girl 4 times in one year (and counting!) that I would grow immune to it, but no. It's still awkward and the simplest things (like finding the bathroom or reading a brief) seem so overwhelming. Even though I know full and well that the feeling will pass, it still makes me want to say I have to use the restroom then climb out the window.
At the same time, I would try a new job every week if I could. The first day at a new job is like the first day of school. Who's going to be in my class? Will there be any cute boys? What am I going to be learning? Who am I going to sit next to?
Yes I sat in a cube that had pictures of cats all over it. Yes the girl who trained me bore an uncanny resemblance to Napolean Dynamite (and that's if I'm being polite). Yes I was hired as a writer and no, I would not call what I am doing writing. But it's temporary, and it pays more than all my jobs put together almost. And it's easy so I can save my "brain" power for more important things.
So I'll take it and I'll like it. Until I don't. And then I will move on to something new. And add another line on my list of half-baked talents.
Day 107
Just finished with all the e-mail concepts and copy for Boston's bike program thing. I think I'm about done working for free.
Started on a postcard campaign for the wine shop.
Accepted a full-time freelance position starting Monday at a .com that sounds like it could suck, but pays money. And money will get me a European adventure this year.
Rearranged my entire apartment. Because rearranging my life is not enough.
Forgot to buy lemons.
Mad at iTunes for not letting me buy this song:
Missing my friends
Day 104
Reading, reading, reading.
And kicking myself for not asking the dreamboat winemaker that stopped in the store if I could pop in the next time I'm in Tuscany (It's okay, I have his card!). I was rendered speechless. The accent, the green eyes, the pictures of the castle he brought with him. The shoes, the hair, the olive skin. The accent!!! Mama mia.
mama mia x10
Day 103
Uh huh. I'm listening.

I'm only a couple chapters in and I sort of feel like I'm being brainwashed. But it also sort of makes sense. Get to the point Ferriss, I ain't got all day!

I'm only a couple chapters in and I sort of feel like I'm being brainwashed. But it also sort of makes sense. Get to the point Ferriss, I ain't got all day!
Day 100
Denied. For now. I will still stalk their web site for openings regularly.
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks so much for your follow up email and for your enthusiasm for the work we do. It’s the kind of passion we look for in candidates! While there’s no doubt you have some great experience and I’d love to keep in touch, there are a few things that prevent me from being able to offer some kind of assessment test to get you in the door right now. We’re not bringing junior level candidates right now as we need the gravitas someone with around 10 years experience offers to our clients. We also invest quite a lot in training up our newbies and getting them to a place where they can be on their feet with clients. Typically this takes a bit more time and mentoring for candidates who aren’t senior level and we’re not equipped to make that kind of investment given that our focus is on attaining new business. Given our capabilities and focus are elsewhere right now, I definitely maintain the interest in keeping in touch and reaching out to you when we’re able to make something happen on the interview front.
summer summer summertiiiiiime
Day 98
The most perfect (real) job for me in the world (at the moment) sent me an email saying I don't have enough skillz for the position. It's true I don't have many actual skills, but I have accumulated a lot of bits and pieces of skills and this is the one job that sounded like it was made for someone with lots of bits and pieces! And I want it, dammit! So I wrote back and told her that. I told her to give me an assignment and allow me to prove myself (or totally blow it). She hasn't written me back yet.
Thanks so much for sending us your resume and for your interest in the
training consultant role.
We've looked over your resume in detail and while you have some interesting
experience, it is not a match to the skills that we are seeking for the team
at this time.
Typically we look for a strong base in insight, new product, packaged goods
and brand development experience across several industries. In addition, we
look for a minimum of 5 to 7 years of experience in these fields.
That said, we'd love to hold on to your resume should a position become
available that we see is a better match to the skills you offer. In
addition, I'd encourage you to keep in touch as your experiences continue to
Day 97
Headhunter called about a freelance gig for some bank. Can't do it. It's too soon. And that sounds too horrible.
bank shmank
Day 93
Planning an anti-bachelorette bachelorette party for my baby sister. Wine and cheese and chocolate, OH MY!
Day 92
3 months later, March 12, 2009 is still the best day ever.
feels like 3 years not 3 months
Day 91
A couple months back I read an article about how Boston was in the midst of attempting to launch a bike-sharing initiative similar Paris'. It sounded interesting so I wrote and asked how I could get involved. I have a 4th job now. It doesn't pay (UH...). I have to write e-newsletters (BLAH!). And it's not even about the bike-sharing project (HUH?).
Wow I'm a sucker.
Day 90
Before yesterday, I was adamant about finding a way to work fun part-time jobs full-time, forever. But this job sounds like it was made for meee. I must have this job.

So what kind of person are we looking for?So I spent all morning and part of the afternoon writing a shiny new resume and carefully crafting my answers to the questions they ask during the application process. It says they aren't hiring right now BUT lists their open positions. So this might be all for nothing.....or not!
You believe in and are passionate about innovation and creativity - your own and other people's. You know it makes a difference and where it can take you.
You have lots of business and brand experience, so you'll understand the needs of people from a wide range of different businesses and what they are trying to gain from our courses.
You engage with others, you're full of energy, you're easy to listen to, our clients will feel inspired by you. You will ensure they have an amazing experience every time they work with you. You will also be a great team player.
You will be at ease in front of an audience of any size as well as feeling comfortable presenting in front of a board of directors. You'll have the gravitas and presence to hold and engage with your audience.
You will be happy to live out of a suitcase, stay in loads of hotels and meet new people all the time from all over the world- it'll give you a buzz.
Day 89
I found another dream job. I knew it when I saw this question on the application:
If I was on a 12 hour flight with you what would I love about you? And what would irritate me?
(and when I saw the words NYC and travel all over the world in the job description.)
If I was on a 12 hour flight with you what would I love about you? And what would irritate me?
(and when I saw the words NYC and travel all over the world in the job description.)
i must work here
Day 88, PM
Turning places not worth caring about into places worth caring about. Yes, please! James Howard Kunstle is spot on. Suburbs are turning into some of the most depressing places on earth. There is no sense of community. No common good. Nothing worth preserving.
Once again, Ray Oldenburg, author of The Good Great Place (my favorite book ever) said it best.
"In the absence of an informal public life, Americans are denied those means of relieving stress that serve other cultures so effectively…our urban environment is like an engine that runs hot because it was designed without a cooling system."
Day 88
I just started writing a movie. I have no idea what I'm doing.
This could take a while
Day 85
I wonder what other jobs there are around here that I would like. I'm not done with wine or ESL, I'm just feeling greedy. I want more fun jobs.
Day 84
I haven't procrastinated all day! I think I like working from the Boston Public library. I think it's because of these lamps. I want one.

Met with the Brazilian anthropologist this AM to help her with her conversation. Probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met. We will hang out twice a week to practice speaking. I told her I need a career which pays me to live in other countries and play with foreigners all day. She's on it. She said her Brazilian diplomat husband may have some ideas. I don't know if I could really just pick up and move but I REALLY like entertaining the idea.
Day 83
Lunch with my people. Then more procrastinating...It's not my fault. It's cloudy out with a chance of showers. I have no choice but to curl up on my couch and watch a moooovie.
i love goat cheese
Day 82
No class today! But a lot of work to do. A lot of work that I'm probably going to wait until tomorrow to do. Because I'm beat.
Day 81
On my way back to Boston. On a bus. With wifi. With an upstairs. With people who aren't scary. For 18 bucks. 18! One eight!
The megabus is mega AWESOME
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