Before yesterday, I was adamant about finding a way to work fun part-time jobs full-time, forever. But this job sounds like it was made for meee. I must have this job.

So what kind of person are we looking for?
You believe in and are passionate about innovation and creativity - your own and other people's. You know it makes a difference and where it can take you.
You have lots of business and brand experience, so you'll understand the needs of people from a wide range of different businesses and what they are trying to gain from our courses.
You engage with others, you're full of energy, you're easy to listen to, our clients will feel inspired by you. You will ensure they have an amazing experience every time they work with you. You will also be a great team player.
You will be at ease in front of an audience of any size as well as feeling comfortable presenting in front of a board of directors. You'll have the gravitas and presence to hold and engage with your audience.
You will be happy to live out of a suitcase, stay in loads of hotels and meet new people all the time from all over the world- it'll give you a buzz.
So I spent all morning and part of the afternoon writing a shiny new resume and carefully crafting my answers to the questions they ask during the application process. It says they aren't hiring right now BUT lists their open positions. So this might be all for nothing.....or not!
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