
Day 109

I'm the new girl. Again. You'd think after being the new girl 4 times in one year (and counting!) that I would grow immune to it, but no. It's still awkward and the simplest things (like finding the bathroom or reading a brief) seem so overwhelming. Even though I know full and well that the feeling will pass, it still makes me want to say I have to use the restroom then climb out the window. 

At the same time, I would try a new job every week if I could. The first day at a new job is like the first day of school. Who's going to be in my class? Will there be any cute boys? What am I going to be learning? Who am I going to sit next to? 

Yes I sat in a cube that had pictures of cats all over it. Yes the girl who trained me bore an uncanny resemblance to Napolean Dynamite (and that's if I'm being polite). Yes I was hired as a writer and no, I would not call what I am doing writing. But it's temporary, and it pays more than all my jobs put together almost. And it's easy so I can save my "brain" power for more important things. 

So I'll take it and I'll like it. Until I don't. And then I will move on to something new. And add another line on my list of half-baked talents.

1 comment:

  1. one of your funniest descriptions ever!!!
    and i can't believe you're right across from chacarero. that's the biggest job perk there is....i hate you a little bit right now.
