
Day 326

I'm always the first one out the door come 5 o'clock. It's not my fault I finish my work fast. I've worked plenty of all-nighters in my day, I've put in the face-time and I've asked for extra work and more responsibility when I had downtime. That's what you had to do to get ahead. But I'm not interested in getting ahead here. I took this latest job solely to tread water. To save money while I explore my other interests DURING my 9-5. Make no mistake, there's no way I'm spending a minute more than I have to in a cubicle. Not anymore.

Today, after I totally fell on my ass going to sit down on my ergonomic chair that I assumed was behind me, but was not, one of my co-workers made a joke about how I could sue for workman's comp. Heck yeah, sign me up! I exclaimed, still in tears laughing from the fall. To which he laughed and replied, ha, you'd do anything to get out of working.

Correction. You silly little man. I like working. In fact, I LOVE working. But all work is not created equal. This kind of mindless, empty work is for suckers. I didn't drink the kool-aid at the last three big corporate companies I worked at, and I'm not going to start now. You're satisfied here, even though you've stopped learning, stopped growing, stopped trying and even while knowing that nothing you do all day long makes any positive impact whatsoever on anyone. You do the bare minimum and do it without a hint of passion. You've accepted that a job is just job and you've chosen to spend the rest of your life complacent because it's easier than the alternative. And you're the better employee because you stay until 6 or 7? Puh-lease. Your the last person I'd want at my company.

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