
Day 314

My best friend Fadi moved to Abu Dhabi about a week ago to design yachts. He is literally living his wildest dream and it would be impossible for me to be more proud of him than I am right now. His fiance will join him in a couple of weeks and they will begin an exciting whirlwind life together in the middle east. I couldn't build a more perfect woman for my Fadi than Kateri. He and I have spent a LOT of time talking about our favorite topic. Love. And his favorite topic. Marriage. I know who he is inside and out and Kat is at once, both everything he's always wanted and everything he's always needed. I've always thought whoever he ended up with would truly be the luckiest girl in the world but in this case, he is just as lucky.

It was hard enough living in a different city as Fadi, now we live in entirely different worlds. So I asked Kat to do me a HUGE favor when they move. Start a blog to record their day to day adventures and shrink the distance between us a bit.

And voila. This is just one of the many reasons that I love her.

1 comment:

  1. hihihi
    and i couldn't have asked for a better best friend for Fadi....
    thanks to you in part that we are together :)

    bisou to you
