
Day 311

Uh oh. The day I have not been waiting for has arrived. Got my first tax statement in the mail. I don't remember what I ate for lunch let alone all the places I've worked this year. My taxes are going to be a disaster, which means those mutants at H&R Block are going to charge me a fortune to do them. I don't mind paying taxes, in fact I like taxes. They are responsible for all sorts of fun stuff. I DO hate paying to pay taxes. The whole idea is crazy. Pay money to pay money. How come we haven't found a way to eliminate this greazy middleman who hasn't seen daylight since last April and appears this time each year to charge me $200 for asking 7 yes or no questions and stock up on dungeons and dragons paraphernalia

And don't tell me to do it online. Because if you've lived in more than one state, those fancy online programs will try to ruin your life. Why can't the government just take the correct amount of money from my paycheck? 

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