
Day 48

The little things that make my students happy:
France: Above all that, I like to explode the bubbles of the bubble wrap. I remember one day for a wedding where it was rolled out on the floor for the children. Large pieces of bubble wrap with my husband and we were the only adults among a lot of children to dance and jump on the bubble wrap. It's just amazing.

Venezuela: Some people confuse happiness with pleasure, but some pleasures not always can give a real happiness because then after, they left an empty space in the person. That is why I think that for me, the happiness is in those little things that at the same time give you pleasure and you make yourself a good person. And the most difficult happiness that I've got is the one you get in those difficult times, painful times, when you know how to make them real good moments somehow.
Spain: Sometimes the same thing can make me happy or unhappy. I don't know what it depends on. 

The little things that make me happy:

Getting mail. Nothing like a handwritten note, nothing. Skirts. Windows. Conversation. Finding the most perfect gift for someone. Meeting someone as obsessed with Motown as I am. Outdoor markets. Cooking for people. The smell of matches. BBQ. The first day in a new city. Barack Obama. Foreigners. Dark chocolate. Fresh herbs. Old jazz. Thunderstorms. When someone begins a sentence with "I've never told anyone this before". Imperfections. Listening. Seeing people I love laugh really hard. Suntans. Cosby Show marathons. Change. Cobblestone. Watching my mom do an exercise tape (she is super uncoordinated!). Wine and cheese and bread and olives. Taking pictures of things. Unemployment. Unemployment checks. You!

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