
Day 332

I'm a huge believer of If Something's Not Working, Change It.

But then there's that whole Patience thing, which admittedly has some truth to it.

I need change in a bad way (cubicle + lack of sunshine + lack of a couple other things make Steph a dull girl). But I know in order to get the life I want (in Italy), I need to serve time (in a cubicle) to save money. I know I have it pretty good at work. I know it could be a LOT worse (the mere thought of working for the company I was at this time last year gives me hives). But waiting is hard.

It's hard not to quit and go back to working 3-4 happy jobs which had me running around town, meeting new people everyday. It's hard not to quit, sell my big red couch and just move to New York, land of more concrete, more friends, more things to do and more things to see.

But I gotta keep my eyes on the prize. And be patient. And drink 8 glasses of water a day. And change little things for now until I have the bank account to change big things.

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