France (I think I have a favorite student): I can be easily annoyed. But I will just discuss some of my new discoveries in Boston. I've been disappointed by the attitude of drivers in Boston. I don't drive but bike and walk a lot and in both situations, I've found that the drivers are really without respect for others. For example, at the red lamp, they don't stop before the pedestrian crossing, but on this one! Why? The drivers make also an extensive use of their horns and not always for some good reasons. I remember biking in a narrow street. A car arrived and followed me but immediately the driver begin to honk. What was I supposed to do? Jump on the sidewalk?Brazil: People annoy me when they are rude. When they make me miserable. When just his views is correct. When they are careless with my things. When I talk and they don't pay attention.Korea: I don't like smelling smoke cigarette. So smoking in the street of public places really ticks me off.
I practiced my French.
Je suisTu esIl/elle estNous sommesVous etesIls/elles sont
And I sat next to an Italian couple at an outdoor cafe and for a teeny tiny itsy bitsy moment, while they were speaking, I felt like I was in some piazza in Rome. This does not mean I have an imagination. This means I'm delusional. And I REALLY need to get out of town. Is that being greedy? The last two months of my life have been one big vacation! So it's not that I need a break. I just need that high you get from being in an unfamiliar place. I wish I liked drugs. My vices would be WAY cheaper.
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