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Day 59
One last night with the camels then it's back to work.
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then employed again. But still on a mission to find my dream job(s). All of them.
View my complete profile
...besides gelato
"working from home"
(there are still too many days...)
100000 dollars would make getting to italy and co. a LOT easier
21 minutes to drink 3 more glasses of water
3 cities (broc
54 and rainy today...come on spring
7 more to go
8 glasses of water a day like it's my job
a case of the ADDs
a guy peeked under my umbrella to tell me he liked my look and i had a very european style
a quick weekend in Detroit
a worm has NINE hearts....WHAT???
alice in wonderland was WONDERFUL. imaginations are wonderfuler. friends to watch movies with are wonderfulest.
all of our representatives are busy please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the muther effing order in which is was received
allergies are stupid
also went to the school i taught at for an instuctor meeting to see if they have considered offering ESL night classes because I WANNA TEACH AGAIN
also...may be crossing kentucky derby off my list and circus acts of lowman's list
although that would mean staying in boston indefinitely which is even scarier than living next door to bank of america
And a gym.
and a surprise trip to NYC tomorrow
And after a hard day's work I avoided going to Anthropologie (for one more day at least) even though I really really really really REALLY need a fix
and back to a work out plan i mean it this time
And candy
and doing a LOT of day dreaming
And epiphanies to be had.
and farmers market and matinee
and how the hell has it only been one week?
and i didn't even have to teach them english
and I got my hair did but there was nothing language-y about that in fact evan was white as hell from Marblehead Massachusetts
and i know i've said this a million times but i love that city even in the snow even covered in giant puddles and even though i still cant figure out the subway system i love love love it
and i started our OFFICIAL family cookbook
and i'm celebrating by going to NYC
And if they're successful
and it's TWO blocks down from my hotel...ahhhh
and johnny depp
and just incase you wanted to know
and kids on leashes and men with handlebars and don't get me started on the hair
and more salted caramel ice cream from ile st. louise
and only for a couple weekssssss
And planning a trip to Lowman's cabin in the woods to bust this thing out
and the best part is i'm right across the street from CHACAREROS - home of the most yummy chicken sandwich EVER
and then there was two
and to each their own...i don't know what my "own" is but it's not a 20 year lease mamma mia
and trial make-up
and want to make videos of EVERYTHING
apple pie and green bean casserole...breakfast of hungry champions
are ju alone?
at least it's not Cleveland
attention deficit
aunts arguing over the dishes
babies sick and crying
baby steps
back in the deeeeetroit
bank shmank
BBQ Time
Bea Bea Bo Bea
bien sur
blast from the past thanks again to facebook...
boston to chicago to route 66 to grand canyon to vegas to LA to san francisco to NYC
boston to geneva
buena rulla
but i need to go pancake shopping for the pancake party i'm having tomorrow and i don't have an umbrella
but i'd still rather drive a helicopter
but not as much as I should have.
bye bye black soul
c’est la vie
can't get enough peter bjorn and jon
can't stop listening to beirut
Chaldean Time
cheerios for breakfast
christmas movies ALL DAY
ciao america
ciao anthropology degree
ciao beppe severgnini
CIAO WEST COAST i miss you already
closer every day
communions and baklava and arabi music
cooking classes in tuscany
cousin dahlia is here
cousins gossiping
damn those adorable little babies at the cafe.
days like these are just fine with me
de puta madre
do not read airline magazines
dog barking
don't break my cucumber
drinks with foreigners tonight
Eating the most random things out of my refrigerator so I defrost that mother before I leave for a week
english level 4 is all mine
especially today
every day i am the student
ex umbris
eye eye eye
feels like 3 years not 3 months
fingers crossed
flower shop girl
for the wine shop's friday night tastings
four words: homemade cinnamon ice cream
friday nights at the wine shop keep me sane
Frittatas. Naps. Dessert. Movies. Martinis. Old best friend. Strange new ones. I like 2010.
Germany is trying to teach me German
get you some new peter bjorn and john
giving iTunes all my money
giving up hamm
go away hiccupsss
go underdogs
going going goin
going to bed early tonight
Good. I'm glad we had this talk.
got nothin' to worry about
got to start somewhere
gotta find a loophole
gotta finish making some kickass centerpieces
Gotta go back to napa with girls.........
gotta go gotta go gotta go right now
grammer is for suckers
grandma excited to see everyone
grape crush
gryere) and 98378279879291 calories later
had no idea finding a hotel in Paris A WHOLW MONTH IN ADVANCE was such a bitch.
have you tried greek yogurt? it's good
He loooooooooooooooooves Chicago
heart = racing
hello 28
hellooo sleeper sofa
hey apple
hey barry i like your apartment
holy cold eucalyptus towels...i can get used to those.
holy guacamole
home at 3am just in time for my first day of FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT
homemade pasta is amazing
hotels in barcelona
house swap
how are you?
how the hell do I know what I'll feel like wearing 10 days from NOW
I almost forgot what you looked like
i almost pet a dog today
i already found my third place
I also want a cigarette.
I am addicted to chocolate soy milk
i am freezing and i don't know why since it's JULY
i am hungry for something and i don't know what
i better get my act together
i blame pietro
i can't believe i just watched american idol
i can't believe i took a half day at the office to do this.
i can't get enough of that raspy goodness
i comes before e except after c and when sounding like 'a' as in neighbor and neigh
i don't even have a one year plan
i don't know where they came from but all the sudden i have tons of friends here FINALLY
i don't like octopus
i don't remember anything from french class already
i don't think i've ever been this excited to see my family...i miss those chaldeans
I don't want this feeling to go away either mr. johnson
i don't want to be rich. i want to have a rich life.
i feel so thankful
i found my next photo project
i get to start every morning like this for the next six days
i hate winter in boston too
i have every reason to hate valentine's day but i don't...i don't enjoy it but i don't hate it either
i have the worst volunteer luck ever
i hope some italians tonight will help
I imagine heaven is a place where you never have to pee so bad it hurts
i just realized i LOVE make-up
i know what enchantee means now
I learned how to make dirties in bartending school today
i like mangos
i like that song and i will use a funky remix of it in the movie i will write one day
i love air conditioning
i love cherries
i love goat cheese
i love me some third place
i love ny
i love tacos
i love tacos and margaritas
i love the rain
i love tonight
i mean a lot
i might die if i don't get some nyquil STAT
i miss the julies
i must work here
i need a bigger closet
i need a lamp
i need dicipline
i need some airplane music
i new adam lambert when he had red hair and freckles
i REALLY need more single friends
I really really do
i tasted a lot of wine today and swallowed all of it on purpose
i think i can do it
i think i was born in the wrong decade.
i wanna live like the JETSONS
i wanna walk on stars real bad
I want FinalCut NOWWWWWW
i want old new york
i want to learn a new skill but i don't know what
i wanted to use that song
i was asked if I could meet at 3 to discuss batch promos for fourth quarter
i was born to be a consultant
i was thirsty
I will elope in venice...mark my words
I WILL find a loophole.
i will not buy a lamp just in case i move
i will survive
i wish i had some more blueberries
i wish i was still laying on the grass in central park
I won.
i wonder when and where the word want was invented
i'i'll probably run into her again on a party bus somewhere
i'll miss you
I'm a greedy son of a gun I know
i'm figuring it out as i go.
I'm full.
i'm going to find a way to add something good to other people's lives every day
i'm high off pizza and good company
i'm in love
i'm just bored
i'm miss you terribly
I'm not sick.
i'm pooped
I'm pooped.
I'm sick.
i'm staying after more often
i'm thinking...
i'm thirsty
i've been consulting my whole life
ice cream
if i'm going to get a place in nyc that's not hiring to hire me i'm going to need more than a cover letter
If Suzanne Pirret can do it so can I
in other news people are weird
is it just me or is february d r a g g i n g???
it only took us TWO days to learn german
it's july????
it's really not that bad i'm just being dramatic
just a little peek.
just kidding julio
just smile and nod
just you wait...
kabobs and tart on the BBC?
kafka shmafka
keep the foreigners comin
keep the italians coming
khalalalalalalaaaaaaaas all around
kids on DSs
la dolce vita
la la la
laid off
later jobs
Let the wild rumpus start
life is good
like i should go to church or something
like right now
lists lists and more lists
long impromtu lunch with the italians and frenchies and crazy polish chick...all foreigners are not created equal.
made friends with the boy next me...double wow.
made tons of crepes for my friends today then did tons of nuthin happens
mademoiselle is way funner to say than young lady
making lists is SO much easier than crossing things off
making mix tapes and getting rid of excess baggage...these are a few of my favorite things
making new friends. making old friends. all day.
making pancakes sounds funnER than grammar
malcolm gladwell makes me glad
mama mia x10
manchego cheese is the bomb and so are figs
maybe because i just heard BBD sing poison on the BET awards
maybe i need to look for jobs in san diego?
maybe tomorrow
me cago en la puta
me too
met a girl tonight who taught english in seville and TURKEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go
Missing my friends
mmmm piazzas and corner bistros and courtyards and open markets
Moody McMoody
more delicious food with more delicious people
more lighting
more thunder
most importantly i got two new pairs of shoes AND washed my dishes AND AND AND hung up my clothes
muchas muchas muchas gracias para amigas buenas
MUST convince nico to convince bibi to hire me at the castle in tuscany this wkd
must move back to san diego STAT
my first bachelorette party and my L A S T.
my holiday starts NOW
my instructer is a 300lb puerto rican with a diamond studded yankees dog tag
my internet is out today so i'm at the boston public library sitting a desk with a mr. belvedere lamp
my kind of party
my little circle of foreign friends continues to expand and i luff it
my pancake queen just called to say he'll meet me in italia so we can open a pancake stand
my social calendar is suddenly full as well
my tomato soup from sportello was worth it i guess
need nail polish remover in a bad way
Next: Italian Neighbors
NO i am not watching the BET awards i was just flipping through the channels ok
no more airports for one WHOLE month
no swallowing
no thinking just doing
nobody likes whiners
not a dream
not bad this new life of mine
NOT pursuing career in anthropology
note to self: open macaroon stand one day...somewhere
now i how to say cheers in 9 languages
now i need an idea for march
now i want to be in a band too
now it feels like summer
now we just have to convince italians to eat breakfast
oh and lost my third umbrella this year within 24 hours of purchasing it
oh i plan to mr. herbert
oh my
ok so there is a slight chance it is a bad idea
omg i can kind of speak spanish
once i learn how to write a movie
optimism is HOT
or a one month plan
or i'm just the worst volunteer ever
other note to self: learn how to make macaroons
otters in boston
OxyClean did NOT get the wine out my skirt as promised. Rude.
P.S.S. it feels SO awesome to come home from work and without the get-yer-ass-to-the-gym-monkey on my back cause i already went this MORNING
part-time job for lunch
past participles are a muther
picked up The Great Gatspy at shakespeare and co for the flight home
pinch me
pink bubbles for the birthday girl in the bag.
plans are silly
porcini mushroom ravioli mamma miaaaaaaa
pork tout gait
Presenting the Original Pancake House...Home to good hashbrowns and bad service and amazing conversation
Pretending I didn't just read the Italian Consulate's page on work visas...booooo
que rulla
que te pires?
rainy day fever
ready for a night on the town
ready to go
right on g burns
route 66
ryan- i'm on it. thank you for the pep talk.
school portrait taker
SCHOOL tomorrow
seriously what's in that sauce?
sexy librarian
shake your BODY
shampoo girl
sharing is caring
she makes me want to wear perfume and I HATE perfume
showed Flat Stanley around Boston as requested by my little cousin shawn and think it's an amazing idea
siempre bale
sitting in meetings is for suckers
skipped a coffee date to finish my sunday it is trader joe
smile and nod
so fantastic
some days we're just not meant to wear pants and i'm fine with that
something I also don't understand
something is missing.
sometimes i just want things to fall in my lap
sorry for skipping yesterday M...but here's a double dose for you today :)
souvenirs were a hit
Speaking of the world...I have the best mom in it
special thanks to molly for not letting me become THAT girl at the becoming that girl
still unemployed
still waiting...
strawberries and cool whoooip for dinner
summer summer summertiiiiiime
surprisingly a quote from an advertising newsletter i get every morning--the career that seems to actually REMOVE life your years
thank GOD my dress fits
thank goodness because i was having withdrawals
thank you niccolo
thankful doesn't even begin to describe how i feel right now
thanks JM
thanks melissa...for introducing me to people AS CRAZY AS I AM
that 6'2" beast of a woman is my hero
that george is just too hot for words i mean REALLY
that's what a good mood i'm in
the bear is HERE the bear is HERE the bear is HERE
the bear's here the bear's here
the city i'd rather be living in of course
the end.
the first product they ever created was a disposable they have a store in brooklyn....hear that 3% milk???
the kiwis and the bubbly frenchman
The megabus is mega AWESOME
the way we all connect is fascinating to me
the weather outside is frightful so we're cooking and watching movies ALL day
The weeks feel like days.
then maybe a line of Christmas Cards in the future...?
then Michael made us pizza and Guiseppe gave us lemoncello
then on a plane to MICHIGAAAAN...agaiiiiin
there are flowers on the trees
There's a good chance we could kill each other before the 2 weeks are up
these tweens are the boss of me
they will get you
things are brewing...
things are getting interesting. i hope they stay that way. in other news i MUST paint my nails today.
things get more interesting each day
think he was a busboy
thinking is STOOPID
this company is too good to be true
This could take a while
this is shit DE PUTA MADRE
this route 66 looks like TROUBLE
This trip reminded me of two of my favorite words: WHY NOT
this weekend
to go to ny this wkd or not to go?
Tomorrow probably will be
tons and tons of flowers
Trader Joe's "Nuts About Raspberries and Chocolate Trek Mix" it.
trying super hard to take him seriously
two months later...
two more glasses of water to go
two years later and i still don't know how to use my $1000 camera at night
uh i don't know what that means but it sounds really bad
uh oh
uncles yelling about prices at the grocery store
unsolicited most of the time but whatever
water water water
Wedding Shower Time
welcome to boston LIBBY
what a wonderfully rainy saturday
what makes you happy?
what up fool
What's a happily "unemployed" girl to do?
whatever i'll take it
which could be awkward
while Michael Jackson died...
who knew?
who's with me?
why did i order steak? i do not like steak. i knew that before i ordered it but i did it anyway.
WHY isn't funner a word?? it should be
why not?
wine and cheese and bread and charles river
wireless internet is my second most favorite invention after caller ID
with special guest LYNDSAY LOOOOWMANNNNN
work work work
Worked from home today because I felt sick and moody. Ended up going to the wine shop anyway. Came home re-energized and more optimistic than I was when I started off the day.
working for the weekend
wouldn't be the worst way to go
wow pbj is SO awesome
yay for baklava
yay for belly dancing
yay for julie
yeah i'll take one of them 4-hour work weeks thx
yes that is graffiti on the door and yes it is awesome
yesterday was pretty uninteresting but most other days are
you speak good english
you use active voice when you want to emphasize the person who performs the action and passive voice when you want to emphasize the action or the result
you win some you lose some
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