
Day 32

Past Participles. I want to punch whoever came up with that term in the teeth. They're just a bunch of verbs that act like adjectives. So why can't you just say that! Why did you have to invent a whole new annoying word! One that my students can't even say! 

Hey Venezuela, what's so hard about it? You just toss a Past Participle into a Present Perfect and bam! All of the sudden you're talking about the past that is also the present. Quit livin' in the Simple Past Venezuela. Get Continuous. Everybody's doing it. 

Oy. Obviously I changed the subject as fast as possible. To more important things like what our favorite restaurants in Boston are. How people dance in Algeria vs. Brazil. How Morocco draws maps and wants to study geology in America. How Spain's life hasn't changed like she thought it would and why she's here learning "English" in America. When Venezuela is going to teach us how to Flamenco. And finally, where we're all having drinks at the end of the course. 

I'd say my class is progressing very well. 

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