
Day 49

Last day of English Level 4. I miss Brazil, Morocco, France, Italy, Spain, Venezuela and Costa Rica already. Today they each prepared a lesson on their native language. We learned greetings in Italian. Vowel pronunciation in Portugese. All of the colors in French. And all of the parts of the face in Spanish. Sonrisa means smile. I thought you should know that. My vocabulary lacks the proper adjectives to describe this experience. I’ve exhausted awesome and amazing. Wonderful? Eh. Marvelous? That’s a mouthful. Magically delicious? Close. I’ve learned a ton. The Present Perfect Tense. The correct pronunciation of Champs-Elysees. The Spanish vowel song. The differences of the regions in Brazil. That I’m even worse at grammar than I thought. That I’m better at teaching than I thought. That I don’t hate people. That I have to find more ways to work with the ones from other cultures. That this is just the beginning. Of what, I’m not sure yet. But I have some ideas…

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