It was about some dude living in NY, some 20 years ago. He was feeling restless from work, from just life in general. He's out for a walk one day and just says F it. He hails a cab and heads to JFK with nothing but the clothes on his back, $6000 in the bank and a credit card. He goes to the ticket counter, asks what flights are available. Puts the next flight to Paris on his amex. Gets to Paris. The taxi driver asks him where he's headed. The only hotel he can think of in Paris is The Ritz. It's $2000 a night. So he books 3 nights. For the next 3 days he just walks around the city, visits as many museums and galleries as he can, calls it a day. It was one of the best times he's ever had in his life etc etc you get the idea.
If my bank account is suddenly depleted one day, it will be because of this g damn article and this jackass. An article that could very well have been some marketing ploy by Northwest Airlines (see how cynical advertising has made me!) preying on starry-eyed suckers like me. But I don't care. It worked.
This guy, imaginary or not, is my hero. I've been known to leave on the same day an idea pops in my head. But Paris? The Ritz? No clothes? I'm sold.
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