Yesterday I asked my students (can I call them that even though some of them are older and way smarter than me?) to write about how life in America differs from life in their native country. Because I just wanted to know.
Italy - In America, people love bacon.Costa Rica - It is not so easy to make friends in America because even if you meet someone and talk to them, the next time you see them they won't talk to you.France - In America, the waiters are very nice and happy. They will say 'this is the best', 'this is the most delicious', 'this is great'. In America, everything is wonderful and great!Poland - America should have better food. In Poland, everything you buy is organic. You don't have to pay extra or go to a special store to buy good food.Morocco - In Morocco, when we see friends we hug them and kiss them on the cheeks. When I went to kiss my friend in America, he said no way man, people will say we are gay. So I said okay. Now I only shake hands.
Italy - There is not brunch in Italy but there is brunch in America. I loooove brunch.France - In France, we don't say 'how are you?' to strangers, we just say 'good morning'. In America, people always say 'how are you?' and I never know how to answer that question because I don't know them. So I just say 'fine'. Sometimes when they ask, they keep walking and don't even wait for an answer.Italy - Yes I think that is strange also. In Italy we just say 'good morning'. It is particular.
See why I love them already. Seeeee.
I love that you asked them this question! I'm so interested in other cultures but I'm a little scarred of what they think of us!
ReplyDeleteThat is priceless. Keep it coming from your Anthropology class....uh, I mean English class.