
Day 18

I haven't had a full-time job in almost three weeks and it still just feels like a nice long weekend. A busy one. Even without a full-time job I still feel like there aren't enough hours in a day.

Speaking of, I did tons of annoying things today. Like fill out forms and mail things. Call people and wait on hold. Make a little program ad for the wine place in slow motion because I forgot how to use photoshop. Still, all of these things put together were not nearly as annoying as sitting in meetings, listening to people argue about things that don't matter while my boss chews her gum with her mouth open. Like a horse. Like if you gave a horse a giant peanut butter sandwich and just sat there and watched him while he went to town. I don't miss that.

And now, I have to write some resumes for some of my other friends who spend 40+ hours a week in their own openmouthgumchewinghorseyface hell.

1 comment:

  1. you must have the only blog who's labels are as entertaining as the actual posts!
