I've tried to imagine what it would be like if I was never laid off. I wonder how long it would have taken me to do something about all the things I was dying to do.
I started writing in this thing because I was given a chance to change everything and I wanted to make sure that every single day, I was doing something to get the life I've always wanted. Whether it was reading an article, researching an idea, talking to someone, writing to someone, or even just thinking. Staring at a blank text box at the end of each day forced me to keep perspective and gave me some discipline. Now I have a little time capsule of the best year of my life (so far). And a good head start.
Writing helps me figure things out. So I'm going to keep doing it, just not here. If I could stay in one place, I wouldn't be in this lovely mess now would I?
My new adventures and misadventures (and even nonadventures) need a new address. You can't go there yet. I haven't even figured out how to change the font.
Day 365
(Counting is obviously not my strong suit. It's not Day 361. It's Day 365!)

Today is my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of getting laid off. I can officially say March 12, 2009 was the best day of my life. I've never liked my birthday. Not really into New Years. But I look forward to celebrating this day as long as I live. I hereby solemnly swear to go to a place I've never been before every March 12.
It changed everything. It changed me. I have more to say but I leave for MIAMI in a couple hours (I've never been) and you wouldn't know it by my empty carry-on.

What a day.
What a year.
the end.
Day 360
Had my review today at work:
I am so thrilled to have you on the team. You are only writer that's been in this position that has been able to create a voice and identity for the brand. It's smart and fresh and you knocked it out of the park. You take initiative. You are full of energy and insight. Blah, blah, blah. I'm just excited about working with you in the year ahead and I can't wait to see where we can take this brand.
The account team feels like you don't listen to them. You're like me. When you like something, everyone knows it. When you don't like something, EVERYONE knows it. It's in your face. So even when you don't say "I think you're stupid", your face says it and that's something we have to work on. They think you think they're stupid.
(They would be right.)
I'm pooped.
Day 359
That feeling that there aren't enough hours in a day, I secretly thrive off it. I think I get the most done when I have no time to do it. If that makes sense.
Day 357
I'm finding my Muchness.
I think we forget it's there as we get older. Which makes it all the more important to hang out with 2.5 year olds. Their muchness is still very much in tact.
Day 356
Just completed my first paying editing gig.
Making edits. Concepting for my day job. Watching the Oscars (because I thought there'd be way more Alec). Searching for new music should I ever get my moneymaker back in the gym. And...shhhhh...installing FinalCut. You heard me. Now I just have to teach myself how to use it.
Day 352
The aftershocks from the earthquake in Chile have been felt as far away as my apartment. That's the only possible explanation for the displacement of clothes from my closet. I've begun recovery efforts but it's going to take a while until things are back to normal.
Taking this opportunity to get rid of some excess baggage. If I haven't worn it in a year, it's out the door. When I got here a year and a half ago, I carefully selected every piece of furniture and accent because I saw them as an investment. I was ready to make a home and I felt a bit of attachment to my new things. Now I'm ready to sell it all and keep moving. Things are replaceable. Experiences are not. And the more stuff I have, the more I feel like I have an anchor attached to me. So I hereby pledge to stop getting new stuff, and start purging more often. And when the opportunity to go go comes knocking, I'll already be halfway out the door.
Day 351
This whole 9-5 thing is totally getting in the way of my side projects. Today I had to actually work the whole time I was at work. What! That's not supposed to happen. But I'm starting to feel good about the work I'm doing there...like I'm actually making a difference in the way we communicate the brand. And all while not really trying that hard! So everybody wins.
Left work and ran to the bartending school to meet with the owner about doing some work for him. Ended up staying for 2 1/2 hours. He told me his game plan. And his life plan. I left with my first assignment and maybe a new friend. MAYBE.
Left the school and ran home to meet Valentina and her father for one last dinner in Boston. At the Oak Room. Ooo la la I love that place. And I love those damn Italians. Must start taking Italian classes again.
Day 350
Sh*t. I found another company I MUST work for. And another reason I MUST move to ny.
It's called GrandOpening. Basically these two dudes open a new business every month in a storefront on the lower east side. From a wedding chapel to a drive-in to a dinner party to a ping pong club house.
SAY WHAT! Do they have ADD-commitment-issues-need-to-try-every-job-out-there-itis like I do? And actually figured out a way to capitalize on it?
Must investigate more slash find out how to work there.
AND AND AND! while googling them, I read that this company is a product of Kickstarter. A company that finds funding for people with ideas.
Do you hear that my little entrepreneurial friends!
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