Day 171
Made pancakes for the Frenchies. Brian...I think our pancake stand would do VERY well abroad. Europeans make fun of our food but they secretly love it.
Reading Rainbow

Immoveable Feast:
Dude meets a French girl in LA. They get married and move to Paris. 18 years later, he's still making Christmas dinner in the French countryside for her family. And I want to go, in a bad way. Sorry Nana.
French Milk:
I did not realize this was a graphic novel the night I got trigger happy in the Travel Memoir section of Amazon.com. Wasn't bad. Wasn't great. Reminded me that there are lots of ways to tell a story.
Paris to the Moon:
American couple moves to Paris to start their family. They just pick up and go. (WHAT?!) And figure it out as they go along. Drags on about too many boring details. But boring details about life in Paris are still pretty interesting. Badass intro.
Next: Italian Neighbors
Day 168
Spoke to the creative director today about accepting a permanent position when I return. Now I need to talk to HR. If the price is right, I stay. And save for Italia. If it's not, I don't stay. And explore other options. And still save for Italia.
I hate this part. The money part. It always sucks.
In other news, I tried cottage cheese today and it might be the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth ever. Gross.
Day 167
They found a loophole. I will too.
The Olive Notes
Figs and Lemons
Emilie Johnson
L 'Etrangere Americaine
The Olive Notes
Figs and Lemons
Emilie Johnson
L 'Etrangere Americaine
Day 166
Watching Big (yessss!)
Reading about some Expats (double yessss!)
I know what I'm going to be doing ALL day at work tomorrow.
Reading about some Expats (double yessss!)
I know what I'm going to be doing ALL day at work tomorrow.
Day 165
I want long hair NOW. And also at the exact same time, I want to cut it. This is both a true story and a metaphor for everything else in my life.
I want the east coast & the west coast. Stability & adventure. Commitment & complete freedom. Foreign & Familiar. Sweet & salty.
I just do not want the in between.
I'm a greedy son of a gun I know
Day 164
Only 35 hours, 47 "we-have-no-rooms-available-on-those-days", and one "uh-i-know-i-gave-you-my-credit-card-number-but-i-changed-my-mind-ok-so-get-off-my-back" later...and we have a winner:
Day 163
Looked up hotels in Paris all day. Like it was my job. Maybe it should be. Maybe I should be a travel agent. When I move to Italy, I should become an American travel agent. I can teach them English, get them drunk (bartending class begins October 5th) then plan their trip to America.
Day 162
I'm sweaty.
9-5'd then wine shop'd then BBQ'd with mes amis Français. What would I do without them. I wonder how many foreigners I missed out on by not teaching english the past two months.
kabobs and tart on the BBC?
Day 160
Everything is falling into place. Not just for me. For the people I love most!
- The Nicks will officially elope while we're in Barcelona!
- The Bear officially got a jay oh bee!
- LL QUIT her jay oh bee!
- D bought a house!
- Joey's going home!
- Flight from Milan to Barcelona. CHECK!
- Train from Barcelona to Madrid. CHECK!
- Flight from Madrid to Paris. CHECK!
- Phone call from my mom this AM telling me she thought a lot about my new life plan (come back from Vivir Bien '09...accept job and work for 6 months while getting my TEFL certification and taking a couple Italian classes...MOVE TO ITALIA IN APRIL FOR ONE YEAR and teach English. And hang out.) and she wants me to do it! So now I just have to make it happen somehow. And save money and get work visas and make living arrangements and figure out how to put my life in Boston in storage.
- Oh and drumroll...THREE LOADS OF LAUNDRY. CHECK!
Day 159
I had every intention of doing laundry and tons of other productive things but it's impossible for me to move from in front of my air conditioner. I can't do it. So I'm reading an interview with Jim Jarmusch instead and now I'm even more obsessed with him.
"I love the surrealists' ideas of taking mundane things and amplifying details."
me too
Day 158
I hatched an amazing plan late last night. I told my mom today and she flipped out. I wish doing something that made me happy didn't make the people I love so unhappy.
But once I get something in my head...
But once I get something in my head...
i blame pietro
Day 157
Sat in front of the air conditioner and busted out a resume and cover letter for the human interest ad agency in ny. Lame. I wanted to think of a cool way to approach them since they are not hiring and I really want them to remember me when they are...but I have too much to do before I leave for Europe in two weeks. Including finding more interesting jobs to apply to. And by interesting, I mean in Italy. My Italian friend tried to convince me that it's easy to find a job in Italy. It's not easy, but maybe it's not totally impossible.
i love air conditioning
Day 154
The end.
I can't believe our 2 week whirlwind tour de American force is over. Can't believe it happened to begin with.
155 days ago, I was sitting in an office, hovering over a mess of post-it notes, splitting my PTO across the 8 weddings I had to go home for. Feeling all cheated and bitter. I would spend a good 365 minus 18 days working my robot ass off and my only reward would be 8 overpriced flights back to the state shaped like a mitten that I barely escaped to begin with. Then I got laid off.
So while this trip didn't change my life (I didn't climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (like Irene!) or meditate with Buddhist monks or volunteer in Africa) it was more than a roadtrip. This was two weeks of living, that I would have spent dying a little on the inside as I wrote brochure copy for laser assisted lipolysis.
Pietro's dream roadtrip turned out to be like staring in one of the very daydreams I would have while staring out my office window. He got to see the Grand Canyon, the Empire State Building and the Pacific Ocean. I got to wake up each day in a new city, end each one with a taco and never missed a single sun set in between. I appreciated each and every moment (even the ones in LA) because the entire two weeks were like...I don't know...being somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. They were extra. And I needed that.
Once again, I have the recession to thank. It has redefined the meaning of PTO. I didn't get paid in cashmoney but I got paid baby. I feel rich.
[signore e signorini, REcalculating, headcake, whhobody, mama mia, puppies, ski, what the f*** are you doing?, princess, eyeball alarm clock, where the 'ell hare we?, gummy worms, red vines, i wanna coffee, water water water, you can't even imagine what i said but it was about your sister, i don't know if i'm hot or i'm cold only my middle feels good, apple bottom jeans, candy, don't look me, the boss, walk of life, yesssssss, homer simpson, creedence clearwater revival, 9/11, italian bad word time, no talking after..., skoot up, what keep left mean?, che pale, che stronza, fonculo, i'm in jail, white jeans, the moon, stephanie and pietro's bridge, you always have to be first, stop, picture picture picture, mambo italiano, singing in the rain, starbucks]
Day 153
To say we are exhausted is an understatement but shoot, I'm never too tired for Central Park. Never. I can't think of a more appropriate way to end two weeks of desert, mountain, ocean and concrete jungle. I showed Pietro my favorite parts of the park then we just sat. And sat. And sat. And talked about how lucky we were. And how incredible the last two weeks were. And had another hot dog, naturally.
Day 152
Somewhere between San Francisco and New York. Somewhere between night and day. Some where between conscious and unconscious.
Got to NY at 7ish am. If I was an asshole today, that is why. I'm too old for this. I hated life for the 45 minute cab ride from JFK but walked into our hotel and all was well again.
I'm obsessed with this place! Coolest hotel I've ever stayed at EVER. From the walls covered with art to the burnt-out rocker hotel clerks, to its storied past, to the shampoo and conditioner.
Zombies or not, we walked around NYC for about 9 hours. The Italian was in heaven. Every other word out of his mouth was "mamma mia!" or "che fantastico!". And from my mouth, "Uhh can we paaleease leave time square now?".
Took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.
Went to the Empire State Building.
Ate street hot dogs. Got a seizure in Times Square.
Somehow made it back to our hotel with our limbs hanging on by a thread.
Only a couple more days left, then back to reality. Kinda :)
and only for a couple weekssssss
Day 151
I like waking up in San Francisco. I knew I would. Now I just have to find a place that will hire me. So I can live on this street with this tree.
And drink espresso here.
And make more pictures of more signs. And eat awesome hot cakes.
Stop at other delicious cafes along the way.
Get lost in a new city.
Day 150
Drove back to San Francisco. We loooooove it. Even though we have no idea where we are going ever. Even with 7 maps of San Francisco.

Went to Nick's Crispy Tacos in Nob Hill.

Neither one of us had the energy to move from our plush red booth so we got more margaritas while I made Pietro make a bucket list. NOT because I'm going to kill him soon for having to stop every two feet so he can take video and pictures and more videos and pictures and MORE videos and MORE g damn pictures. I forgot what he looks like without a camera in front of his face! But I guess I was the same the first time I saw Italy.
We topped off the night with espresso and tiramisu and good conversation. Back to the hotel by 10pm.
We are BEAT. But still loving every minute.
We topped off the night with espresso and tiramisu and good conversation. Back to the hotel by 10pm.
We are BEAT. But still loving every minute.
Day 149
Woke up in a seedy motel in San Luis Obispo (just like in the movies!) then took off to find the Pacific Coast Highway.
A M A Z I N G. Jaw-dropping take your breath away make you forget everything kind of amazing.
Top down. Heat on. Wind in my hair. Ocean on my left. Mountains (and Italy) on my right. Singing classic rock n' roll and the Apple Bottom Jeans song from the top of our lungs. Kept.It.Classy.
Breakfast for lunch.
Day 148
I drove for almost 9 hours strait today while the Italian took photos of himself in the passenger seat and ate all the red vines. Uhh what's wrong with this picture?
I've always hated driving. I'm a road hazard. I can't read a map. I don't know east from west (sometimes not even right from left). And I don't even know where the button to pop the hood is, or what the fuck is under it.
But something happened on this trip! I LOVE DRIVING. I think I owe it all to my iPOD and GPS and frustrated international driver...
"Why people [drivers] says to me all the time 'fuck you'?"Later...
Me (at a light when he was driving in LA): Skoot up.
Him: What 'skoot up' means?
Me: OMG stop asking questions just DO IT!
I got off and on highways like it was nobody's business. I merged. I passed semis on a one lane highway. I DROVE AROUND A STEEP AND WIND-Y ASS MOUNTAIN IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE FOR 3 HOURS IN THE PITCH BLACK!!! While singing loudly and off tune.
I've turned a new leaf. And it feels damn good.
Day 147
A few new rules we have established.
No asking me questions after 4pm. If he starts a sentence with "why do", I'm not legally obliged to answer. He's cut off.
Italian Time. This is when I do something like go to the wrong airport or get on the wrong train or accidentally put his memory card in his camera wrong so the pictures don't record. And he needs a few minutes to only speak ITALIAN. And when ask him to translate, he says "you can't even imagine what I just said right now YOU CAN'T". So I don't ask anymore. I smile and sometimes repeat everything for fun. FONCULO!
No asking me questions after 4pm. If he starts a sentence with "why do", I'm not legally obliged to answer. He's cut off.
Italian Time. This is when I do something like go to the wrong airport or get on the wrong train or accidentally put his memory card in his camera wrong so the pictures don't record. And he needs a few minutes to only speak ITALIAN. And when ask him to translate, he says "you can't even imagine what I just said right now YOU CAN'T". So I don't ask anymore. I smile and sometimes repeat everything for fun. FONCULO!
We got to Vegas just in time for our helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. It's been his dream to see the Grand Canyon ever since he heard the Dire Straits song "Walk of Life" on a juke box when he was about 10. It was fun to see him so happy. And not swearing at me in Italian.
i wanna live like the JETSONS
Day 146
Oh Los Angeles. I like your palm trees and your crumbling facades by the beach but that's about it. Ok and your tacos and margaritas but it's kind of hard to mess up a taco. (I know because I've had one every day this week.)
Venice Beach was disappointingly tame.
Santa Monica was a thousand shades of blue.
Day 145
Woke up in San Diego for the first time in 12 years. And I loved it. Too much. Walked down to the beach again, put my feet in the Pacific Ocean.
Went to my old hood.
Walked around my old high school.
And my old grocery store.
Drove past my old house. And wondered the same thing Pietro did..."WHY the 'ELL did you leave here??"
Dinner with the fam.
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