Abraham Lincoln
Day 291
Abraham Lincoln
Day 290
Day 289
Day 288
Tamales in Cuernavaca
Pasta in Tuscany
Pastries in Paris
Paella in Madrid
Cousous in Morocco
Pierogis in Poland
Day 287
Day 284
Day 283
Day 281
Watching the snow fall.
Watching bad movies.
Thinking about the people I love.
Thinking about the new year.
Day 280
I made a face when I read that then realized I was making a face THEN realized I have a little too much in common with G. Clooney in Up in the Air. (Sans the not loving people part. I love me some people…most of the time.)
It’s not that I think buying a house is wrong, it’s what you’re “supposed to do”. I like the idea of making memories in a place and having neighbors and a garden and a tree that you watch grow bigger every year. But shoot, when I saw that facebook update, I can’t help thinking it sounds like jail! I can’t imagine staying in one place for 20 years. It’s one thing to end up someplace for 20 years but k n o w i n g exactly what you're going to be doing for the next 20 years scares the bejesus out of me. Does this mean I’m not a grown up? I am 27 and have absolutely zero desire to commit to anything. I didn’t even like signing a 3-year lease for my car. I have trouble committing to plans for the weekend! A menu with too many options, forgettaboutit.
C’est la vie.
Day 279
When I first started working at that agency, my first real job after school, I was a bit intimidated by all creative directors and generally anyone with a super long job title. The beauty of entry level and being the bottom of the bottom at a company is you have full access to e v e r y o n e. I had to order their food, collate their photocopies, dial the phone numbers for their calls, wait for them to sign things, bubble wrap their boards for meetings. I did my share of whining about leaving at 3am and 4am and 5am but it was always those nights that I stayed late that I learned the most and had the most fun. At 2 in the morning, people’s true colors start to show. They tell you stories, they talk smack, they complain, they joke, they yell, they laugh. They seem human. And not so scary after all. Three companies later, the intimidation is long gone. My filter---nonexistent. I couldn’t kiss an ass if I tried. I learned you don’t need to to get respect or get ahead. And if I ever do, I’m in the wrong place.
Day 277
Day 274
Day 273
My old student, the anthropologist, wrote today asking me to correct her application letters for a teaching position at one of the universities here in Boston. She is desperately trying to find a job here where her husband, a Brazilian diplomat, is stationed. She has lived in Brazil, Mexico, France, Algeria and now the US. Speaks Portuguese, Spanish, French and is hard on herself for not speaking perfect English after being in America for a year.
Every 3-5 years, her husband relocates to a new country. Each time, she has to learn a new language, acclimate their 3 children to their new environment, then try to find work in the field in which she earned a PhD. By the time she does, they are on their way to the next country and she starts from scratch. Again.
You know me, I hear her story and get stars in my eyes, thinking only about the romantic side of it. Every few years a new country and a new life. New interesting people, new homes, new friends, new experiences. Kids fluent in 4 languages. A long resume including stints in UNESCO, guest lecturing and volunteer work in various poverty stricken communities. A 20-year marriage with man she considers to be her best friend and who shares her passion for travel and improving the lives of others.
But she’s made it clear to me over many coffees that it’s not as glamorous as it all sounds. She got married at 20 and at 40, she feels like she’s lived her whole life for her husband and children, putting a career she is so passionate about on hold to accommodate them and their needs. She has no regrets but at the same time is ready to live for herself. Even if that means divorcing her husband and best friend in the whole world. Her biggest complaint against him: He has become more of a roommate than a romantic partner. (Join the club lady, you sound like 95% of the married woman I know!)
While I felt sad after hearing all this, my visions of this perfect power couple with whirlwind globetrotting lives—shattered, I was reminded once again…no matter what your nationality or culture or religion, or how different our lives may seem, we’re all just people. And when it comes down to it, we all have the same problems and fears and hopes and anxieties.
I think I just accidentally wrote one of the the character descriptions for my movie. Who needs fiction when real life is so interesting!
Day 272
Hi Everyone:
I would like to take a small group to lunch on Thursday to brainstorm some miscellaneous topics regarding our biz – if interested please be one of first six to respond.
[From our CEO]
I'd rather have my wisdom teeth out again. A mouth full of blood would be easier to swallow than your koolaid pal. After not responding at all to this email, I had the pleasure of going to the elevator at the exact same time the chosen 6 and our CEO embarked on their super special lunch date. In fact, even after I said, go ahead, I'll catch the next one, they were nice enough to insist I join them in the already cramped elevator. In the very middle. That was the longest 25 seconds of my life.
Day 271
Day 270
Not looking for a job, looking for something interesting to do.Realized when you're doing the right thing, things just fall into place. The perfect person comes along, the perfect opportunity, the perfect solution. (To me, that part is less about luck and more about attitude. It's amazing what happens when you keep an open mind, when you put yourself in situations that bring you a step closer to what you want, when you start meeting new people who enlighten your or help you in ways you never would have imagined).When you start doing things you love, everyday feels like the weekend. And it's true! Not once did I look at the clock at my other jobs, even though I was working more than 40 hours a week. Now that I have a new job I find myself counting the minutes until 5pm on Friday, just like a robot, just like I used to do and I think it's kind of pathetic. It's not because I don't like to work. I actually really love working. I just think 9-5, mon-fri is an antiquated system that is less about efficiency and more about social acceptance. All I know is, if you told people they could leave when they finished their work, or spend time on their own projects, I guarantee it wouldn't take them 9 hours to get the job done. But where's the incentive to be efficient when you can't leave until 5 anyway?You don't have to lose your job to do the things you love. You just have to make the time and the effort. Which is hard when you don't have time, but not impossible. You just have to keep taking babysteps. Doing little things that bring you closer to what you want.Getting laid off was the highlight of their career. I've said the exact same thing. The thing about the ad business is we are in the business of communication. And communication is necessary no matter where you go from there or what you do after. In advertising, we learn how to talk to people, how to create, how to think, how others think. We learn about art and we learn about business. Then we learn how to take all of that and use it to communicate an idea. Which means when we go off to start our own business or launch our own projects, we already have an important set of skills under our belts and resources that we never would have had, had we not worked in advertising. So it's not all a waste.And the comment I agreed with most of all: Getting laid off from advertising is awesome.
Day 269
Day 267
Day 266
Day 265
Day 264
The lives of 8 people from 8 different countries and all walks of life loosely intersect in an English as a Second Language class.
Follow the lives of 8 people from 8 different countries and all walks of life as they settle in America and loosely intersect at an English as a Second Language.
Eight people from different countries and all walks of life have at least one thing in common, they're here to learn English.
Day 263
This book tells you to start by asking these questions:
What is it?
What's it about?
Who's it for?
Oh. I guess it makes sense to have that all figured out before you begin (unsuccessfully) writing scenes at 3am one night. No wonder I haven't opened that document (that left me so overwhelmed) on my desktop since that night. I don't know what my movie is really about. I mean I have an idea and I know who the characters are but I really don't know what it all means right now. So I will start by answering those questions. And see where it leads.
Next I need to be able to describe the story in one sentence. This sentence must all at once summarize the plot, have irony, elicit a good mental picture, pull you in while promising more, demonstrate a timeline and give you an idea of how big a production it will be.
I spent the better half my work day looking up loglines to movies that share something with the story I hope to tell. (Eventually. Even if it takes me 10 years to spit it out.)
An anthology of 5 different cab drivers in 5 different American and European cities and their remarkable fares on the same eventful night.
Night On Earth
Through the neighborhoods of Paris, love is veiled, revealed, imitated, sucked dry, reinvented and awakened.
Paris, Je T'aime
Three stories are connected by a Memphis hotel and the spirit of Elvis Presley.
Mystery Train
Follow the lives of 8 very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely and interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas in London, England.
Love Actually
They came from Paris, Rome, London and Berlin to l'Auberge Espagnole...where a year can change a lifetime.
L'Auberge Espagnole
Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginners course in Italian as the platform to meet the romance of their lives.
Italian for Beginners
Day 262
Day 260
Day 253
Day 252
Day 250
Day 248
Day 246
Day 245
Day 244
Day 243
Day 241
Day 240
Day 239
Day 238
Day 236
In other news I just saw Ray Lamontagne and while it wasn't in Paris, it was still fantastic. And dreamy.
Day 234

Day 231
Day 230
Day 228
Day 226
Carol: It's going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen.
Max: We could totally build a place like that!
Day 225
Day 224
Day 223
Day 222
Day 221
Day 218
Day 217
Day 215
Day 214
Day 213

Day 212

Day 211
Day 210

Day 209
Day 208
2 counts olive juice
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Day 206
Day 205
Day 203

Of my favorite people we met on the trip are the organic kiwi farmers from New Zealand. They used to be teachers. Then it stopped being fun and they got tired of dealing with all the BS. So they quit and bought a kiwi farm. Did they know how farm kiwis? No. Did they know how to farm anything? No. Did they know about pollination/harvesting/farming organically? No, no and no. They asked a lot of questions and made a few mistakes here and there and figured it out. They do everything together and they get a kick out of it. And they bounce around Europe on their down time.
Day 202
While browsing Trader Joes for things with no sodium or preservatives or taste, I talked on the phone. Loudly. I can't help it, my voice carries. On my way to the check out, an older employee stopped me (at first I thought to cuss me out for being super annoying) because he heard me mention Barcelona. He told me he was leaving for Spain tonight and got so excited when he heard me mention it. He and his wife are taking off for 3 weeks and renting a house in some city in the north of Spain. Last year the rented a villa south of Florence. The year before that they rented a place in Burgundy. Wait, it gets better.
He said this trip was kind of fluke, planned last minute. About 9 months ago, they were in Venice and he was so inspired, he started painting. So he booked the Spain trip because he just wanted to paint again.
It gets mo' better. On December 5th, he's already arranged for an exhibition of his paintings at a cafe in the South End.
He had never touched a paint brush before his trip to Venice. He. Works. At. Trader. Joe's.
Day 200
From Niccolo:
Hey bellissima!
I'd love to organize a rendez vous! We can do in NY or maybe Detroit since I haven't been...Otherwise you two can always come with me in one of my next trips to california and Vegas... Now you know enough of Testamata that you can do the presentations with me!
Let's plan it! When does it work for you?
Day 199

Day 198
We've come a long way since Brody Hall circa year 2000. Dark lipstick, out. Dark advertising industry-tainted souls IN. For now. But nothing marriage and unemployment can't cure.
Day 197

Day 196
Day 195

Day 194

Day 193

Day 192
Day 191
Day 190

Day 189 Part Deux

I know life will suck again at some point. It has to. That's it's job. But I think I've learned how to make it good again when it does. Less thinking, more doing. And remembering that when one day or week or year sucks, there's always another day. And the next day could rule. And everything can change.
I heard this song today. Coincidence? Couldn't have said it better, Jack.
Who's to say
What's impossible
Well they forgot
This world keeps spinning
And with each new day
I can feel a change in everything
And as my mind begins to spread its wings
There's no stoppin' curiosity
I wanna turn the whole thing upside down
I'll find the things they say just can't be found
I'll share this love I find with everyone
We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's song
I don't want this feeling to go away
Who's to say
I can't do everything
Well I can try
Day 188